Peace Lily Flowers Turning Brown : Causes and Solutions (2024 Guide)

Peace Lily Flowers Turning Brown : Causes and Solutions (2024 Guide)

Peace lily flowers turning brown is often caused by natural aging, improper watering, low humidity or exposure to direct sunlight. To prevent browning, ensure proper watering, maintain high humidity, place the plant in indirect light and remove spent blooms promptly. Brown flowers should be cut off to encourage new growth.

As a horticulturist with over a decade of experience in tropical houseplants, I’m here to guide you through the common issue of peace lily flowers turning brown. Let’s dive into the causes and solutions to keep your peace lily (Spathiphyllum) looking its best.

Common Causes of Brown Peace Lily Flowers

A peace lily displaying brown spots on its leaves, highlighting the contrast between the green foliage and the damaged areas.

1. Natural Aging Process

Peace lily flowers naturally turn brown as they age. This is a normal part of the plant’s life cycle.

2. Improper Watering

Both overwatering and underwatering can cause flowers to brown prematurely.

3. Low Humidity

Peace lilies thrive in high humidity environments. Low humidity can cause browning of flowers and leaf tips.

4. Excessive Light Exposure

Direct sunlight can scorch the delicate flowers, causing them to brown.

5. Temperature Stress

Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can damage the flowers.

6. Fertilizer Issues

Over-fertilizing or using the wrong type of fertilizer can lead to flower discoloration.

For more information on peace lily care, visit the University of Florida’s IFAS Extension page.

Solutions and Prevention

Proper Watering Techniques

  • Water when the top inch of soil feels dry
  • Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging
  • Use room temperature water to avoid shocking the plant

Increase Humidity

  • Use a pebble tray filled with water beneath the pot
  • Mist the leaves regularly
  • Consider using a humidifier in dry environments

Optimal Lighting

  • Place in bright, indirect light
  • Avoid direct sunlight, especially during peak hours

Temperature Control

  • Maintain temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C)
  • Protect from cold drafts and heat sources

Appropriate Fertilization

  • Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer monthly during growing season
  • Dilute fertilizer to half-strength to avoid over-fertilizing

For expert advice on houseplant fertilization, check out the Royal Horticultural Society’s guide.

Caring for Brown Flowers

Removing Spent Blooms

  • Cut off brown flowers at the base of the stalk
  • Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears
  • Sanitize tools between cuts to prevent disease spread

Encouraging New Blooms

  • Maintain consistent care after removing brown flowers
  • Ensure the plant receives enough indirect light
  • Continue regular watering and fertilization schedule

Troubleshooting Other Peace Lily Issues

Yellow Leaves

  • Often caused by overwatering or poor drainage
  • Ensure pot has drainage holes and soil isn’t waterlogged

Drooping Plant

  • Usually indicates underwatering
  • Water thoroughly and consider increasing watering frequency

Lack of Flowers

  • Insufficient light is a common cause
  • Move to a brighter location, but avoid direct sunlight

For more peace lily troubleshooting, visit Cornell University’s Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic.

Peace Lily Care Tips for Optimal Health

Soil Requirements

  • Use well-draining potting mix
  • A mix of peat moss, perlite, and regular potting soil works well


  • Repot every 2-3 years or when roots become crowded
  • Choose a pot 1-2 inches larger in diameter

Cleaning Leaves

  • Wipe leaves with a damp cloth monthly
  • Removes dust and helps the plant photosynthesize efficiently


  • Remove yellow or brown leaves at the base
  • Trim any leggy growth to maintain shape

Environmental Benefits of Peace Lilies

Peace lilies are known for their air-purifying qualities. They can remove:

  • Benzene
  • Formaldehyde
  • Trichloroethylene

For more on air-purifying plants, see NASA’s Clean Air Study.

Brown flowers on peace lilies, while sometimes concerning, are often a natural part of the plant’s lifecycle. By understanding the causes and implementing proper care techniques, you can minimize premature browning and keep your peace lily healthy and blooming.

Remember, consistency is key in plant care. Regular attention to watering, light, humidity, and overall plant health will result in a thriving peace lily that graces your space with its elegant white blooms for years to come.

If problems persist despite following these guidelines, consider consulting a local horticulturist or bringing a sample to your nearest cooperative extension office for personalized advice.

For more information on indoor plant care, visit the American Horticultural Society’s website.

For more gardening tips and plant care guides, visit

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